Racing over a zig-zag course through ‘gates’ made up of two poles hung over the water.
Rivers – as long as the river or weir has some movement or flow of water, then it is a good starting point to learn the basics before moving on to bigger things. At Windsor we hang poles over the backwater for practice
Distance – each competition varies, but they do not normally last more than two and a half minutes.
Courses – You may have to go upstream or downstream through the gates, depending on their colour, but everyone will follow the same course. Points are given for mistakes and added to your time for completing the course. The winner is the person with the fastest time.
Boats – you can start in general purpose canoes – singles or doubles and single kayaks. As you improve you can move onto the more competetive designed slalom boats
Windsor Slalom Calendar 2011
Here’s a list of the local beginners slaloms that I’m going to try to get to this year, mostly with Ethan. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be at every one, I’ll really try and focus on the ones that people are interested in attending.
They are all intended for beginners, the water will be virtually flat, so no previous experience required.
I’ve put down a rough idea of driving time, shouldn’t cost more than about £10 to enter your first race, but if you do want to race again after that, if you’re an adult, then you’ll need to join the BCU as a comprehensive member.
You’ll see that all events are two-days, with the exception of the Interclubs (which is a weekend event) there are two separate races, one Saturday and one Sunday. Please express a preference Sat/Sun and we’ll decide which is the most popular.
For the Interclubs this year, because we didn’t win our entry fee back, and because of a high number of drop-outs, an entry fee will be due which will be approximately £15 each, including camping fees.
If you’re interested, please do contact me , put your name and contact details on the list in the clubhouse, or look for the event on the Windsor Canoe Club facebook group.
Hope to see you there!
Paul Mew